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The 'News & Events' page has been added to provide a page to detail additional news and events connected to our Church.

This will include information on people and places with connections to Kilsyth Burns & Old.  We will also use this page to detail upcoming events within our town organised by people and groups other than our Church.  

Thank you Letters:

Strathcarron Singers

On behalf of everyone at Strathcarron Singers, can I take this opportunity to thank you, the Kirk Session and members of the congregation of Kilsyth Burns & Old for their warm welcome, appreciative audience and superb hospitality, not to mention their generosity towards Strathcarron Hospice, raising a magnificent total of £1,222.23 for Hospice funds. We do nope that you enjoyed the concert as much as we did.

Kind regards, Alison Cooke.

Erskine Home

Dear Kilsyth Burns & Old Parish Church

You've certainly brightened up the Autumnal days for Veterans with your Remembrance collection donation of £300 - thank you.

You are helping Erskine give hope and support to around 1,000 of our beloved Veterans and their families every year, Your kindness brightens their lives and allows us to enrich the lives of Veterans with activities such as therapies, entertainment and outings.

We offer our most sincere thank you.

Yours sincerely,  Alison Sturgeon

Remembrance Tree

This year our Christmas Remembrance Tree donations of £550 are going to the Church of Scotland's Tabeetha School. It is the only mainstream school the Church of Scotland runs anywhere in the world. It is situated in Jaffa, Israel. Grateful thanks to all who contributed.


A wonderful afternoon of music, singing and readings took place on Sunday 1 December. The Srathcarron Singers (conductor Matthew Brown) were accompanied by Croy Silver Band (Conductor Kenneth Blackwood). There were also readings from The Edwin Drood Players.

The sum of £1220 was raised for the very worthy cause of Strathcarron Hospice. Many thanks to all who attended and thoroughly enjoyed such beautiful music on the first Sunday of Advent.


The Sunday Teas to many people are an integral part of their routine on a Sunday after morning worship. Friendships have been made and strengthened, plans have been forge, Church business executed and the world has been put to rights over that cup of tea or coffee and a biscuit in the large hall. It has always been great to have that time together to contnue and share in the fellowship and friendship of our church.

As has been the case up until the last few years, many church organisations have taken on the role to serve teas for a month at a time keeping the loose change donations that the congregation kindly give in exchange for their cuppa. We are a generous congregation and don't like taking something for nothing. It is amazing how those coins add up over the course of a month.

With fewer organisations we rely on volunteers to run the tea bar. We ask if you can help out one Sunday now and again to help keep the tea bar running, that would be great. It takes 3-4 people to set up, serve and clear up. You won't be on your own, you will be with people who have done it before so you can't go wrong! Gentlemen - you can sign up too. There is a sheet to which you can add your name to on the notice board in the large hall, near the door to the kitchen. PLEASE help us to keep this great instituion going; you're help would be greatly appreciated.

As mentioned before, the weekly takings from the teas soon add up. It was only ever meant to be a loose coin donation, then and now. As there are fewer organisations on the rota, we find ourselves in a position that we have available funds to support other groups, charities and individuals connected to the church. This year alone, a total of £175     has gone to Leprosy Mission, £150 to Mary's Meals and £100 each to the Rainbows and the Brownies. There has also been £100 to the gardeners not only towards the Peace Garden but also in the preparation of the flower-filled pots which were sold at the church fair this year.  Our talented pianist Rhionna, has also benefited by £200 in aiding her to deliver a community lead musical educational programme in collaboration with the African Music School, base in Kampala, Uganda.  Working in three different African communities, including a school for the visually impared, Rhionna is inspiring, educating and enhancing opportunities for the people of Uganda through creative musical workshops.  We look forward to hearing about this on Rhiona's return, later in November.

On reflection, you can see how much value the Tea Bar brings, not only to the lives of our congregation members who use it on a weekly basis, but also to the people, charities and groups who we can support. Our fellowship and our "loose change" do great things both far and wide.  

To the organisations and volunteers, we thank you (from the bottom of our teapot) for continuing to help out at the tea bar and we look forward to (hopefully) welcoming some new faces joining us.

Galations 6:9 "Let us not be wary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."


Thank you.


Advent Candles

The Strathcarron Singers, Conductor Matthew Brown presenting "Carols from Near & Far" written by David Brown and featuring The Edwin Drood Players and special guests, Croy Silver Band, conducted by Kenneth Blackwood.  Admission free, all donations will go to Strathcarron Hospice.



with "Harmony"

Saturay 7 December at 2.30pm. Tickets £5 on sale

Sunday 17 November  from Margaret Wren


At the church service on Sunday 15 September, we said thank you and farewell to our church officer and wife, Robert (affectionately known as Bobby) and Phyllis Campbell who have officially retired.

They have been with us for 13 years and during that time have taken pleasure in helping all our organiations, groups and looking after the church and all the halls. They were presented with a cheque from the congregation, a lovely flower arrangement and a beautiful cake made by Rennies the bakers.

We wish them both a long, healthy and happy retirement in their new home.


Kilsyth Churches are making arrangements to mark Armistice Sunday on 10 November.  The parade will commence at Kilsyth Primary School marching to the Burngreen for laying the wreaths.  The Service of Remembrance will be held in th Church of God, Parkburn Road, Kilsyth. 

10.15-10.30 All organisations meet at Kilsyth Primary School playground, Low Craigends.

10.40 - Parade will move off to the Cenotaph headed by Kilsyth Thistle Pipe Band.

Once the service is over at the Cenotaph, the parade will make their way via Main Street, Kingston Road and Parkburn Road to the Church of God for the Service of Remembrance.


On Saturdaay 12 October, the Stepps Songsters Choir entertained a busy church with an afternoon of superb singing and some fun and frolics as well.

Their leader, Claire, kept the audience laughing with her banter! There was even some tap dancing to one of the tunes. 

A thank you goes to all who helped out especially the tea makers, tea servers and to the wonderful bakers.

Here are some photogaphs taken on the day.


The first adult baptism for quite a while in Burns & Old Parish Church, took place on Sunday 7 July during morning worship when Gillian Buchanan was baptised by the Rev Sandra Farrington.

Gillian, who was born in Stirling, now lives in Iluka, Western Australia with her husband James and their family. Gillian chose to be baptised in Burns & Old as it is the family Church of James' family. It was a very uplifting and emotional service.

Here are a few photos of Gill with James and Rev Farrington.


Stepps Songsters choir

Accompanist - James Greechan

Saturday 12 October at 2.00pm

Tickets £5 (including tea and coffee)

available from M Wren

from Sunday 15 September

Board, Session & Congregatinal Update, 26 May 2024

On Thursday, 16 May the most recent meeting of the Kilsyth Joint Working Group took place with Kilsyth Anderson, Paul Cathcart, Fiona Crawford and ourselves and it was jointly agreed that the proposed name for the new Church of Scotland church in Kilsyth should be sumitted to Glasgow Presbytery and the General Trustees in Edinburgh for approval. The name submitted is:


It was also decided that the Burns and Old Manse should be the manse for the minister of the new church and the Kilsyth Anderson manse (which is cuffently rented out) should remain as is and the future of the Kilsyth Anderson Manse should be reviewed when the present tenants vacate the property.

The next planned meeting of the group is scheduled for Tuesday 18 June 2024 and we hope to bring further updates to you after that meeting.

Glasgow Presbytery

A few weeks ago, I notified the congregation that I had received information from Glasgow Presbytery that our minister was demitting from the ministry.

On Tuesday 12 March at the Presbytery meeting, it was announced: We recognise with gratitude the ministry of Rev Bob Johnston as Minister of Kilsyth Burns & Old Parish Church since 2017 and dissolve the tie with effect from 13 March 2024. He will retain his membership of Glasgow Presbytery and his status as a Church of Scotland minister.

John Comrie, Session Clerk


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