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This group, although not affiliated to the church, holds weekly meetings in the creche hall. We have been established for over ten years. The object of the group is to provide facilities and opportunities for women to participate in social, recreational and educational activities. It also provides opportunities for women to meet and form friendships in a welcoming environment.


The group re-commenced their meetings on Tuesday 1 October with a welcome chat and discussion about future syllabus followed by tea/coffee and a biscuit. There are a few spaces for new members, so if you would like to come along on a Tuesday afternoon we meet in the small hall (Church Street entrance) at 1.15 for 1.30 you would be made most welcome. Here is the syllabus until the end of the calendar year:

1 October: Welcome back and chat

8 October: Charle from Recap Furniture

15 October: John: Alfie Boe and Michael Ball music video

22 October: John Whitfield: Dogs for the Deaf and Blind

29 October: Songs by The Mondayleles

5 November: Lunch

12 November: Bill Craik, Kilsyth District Talk

19 November: John's quiz

26 November: St Andrew's Day: Biscuits and Cheese

3 December: Photos - when we were young

10 December: Christmas Party

17 December: Lunch (TBA)


The autumn/winter session will commence on Tuesday 1 October. Itinerary to follow shortly. During the summer break, the ladies met and enjoyed lunch, firstly at Caulders in Cumbernauld then in The Cotton House at Banknock. All those who attended had a really nice time and it was good to catch up for nice food and a blether. Below are some photos taken in Caulders. Sylabus for the autumn session will be published soon.


Our AGM was held on 9 April 2024 with a very good turnout of ladies. The chairwoman (Jean Gilmour) welcomed everyone and the Treasurer (Evelyn Russell) distributed the balance sheet and petty cash account. A varied and enjoyable programme has been enjoyed by all the ladies and everyone concerned was thanked for their contribution. There is only one committee change and the others are willing to continue for a further year.


The secretary then discussed the forthcoming trip to the Hill House and Helensburgh (a selection of photos below). It was a very enjoyable visit to the Hill House where the ladies had teas/coffees and a tour of the house designe by Rennie Macintosh for the book publisher William Blackie, then the bus travelled down to the centre of Helensburgh where everyone enjoyed a walk along the front with time for lunch before returning home.

The group will re-commence in October. We wish eveyone a very happy and healthy summer.


We are approximately half way through our spring session and the group is now full. To date, we have enjoyed the various talks we have had so far, varying from Victorian Glasgow, Childhood Games and hair/make up demonstrations by two of our own members. Both ladies enjoyed being pampered.

Our most recent talk was from a member of the Blood Bikers team in Central Region. Most of us were unaware of this service which is run totally by volunteers, either bikers or controllers. By their name alone, one would think it's a blood delivery service but no, other items like urgent medication, test results, equipment or medical notes can be transported. The service at the moment covers the Lothians, Fife, Tayside, the Borders and Forth Valley.  There are 15 motorbikes in use, (including two electric bikes) plus two cars. This service saves the NHS over a quarter of a million pounds; money that can be used directly for frontline services instead. The service is entirely dependant on donations from the public, grant bodies and corporate sponsors. All the ladies felt that this was an excellent job these volunteers are carrying out and everyone thought this was a very interesting talk. Some photos below:

Blood Biker Motor Bike


We hope everyone had a joyful Christmas and wish everyone a Happy, Healthy New Year in 2024.

We finished our 2023 session with a Christmas Lunch at the Scarecrow which was enjoyed by everyone. The previous week a Christmas Party was enjoyed by all the ladies.

WOW Christmas Party

The new session starts on Tuesday 9 January in the creche hall at 1.30pm. We are now at capacity; anyone wishing to join will be notified in due course when any vacancies arise. Our first meeting will take the form of a discussion regarding the upcoming programme of events and speakers. The programme is as follows:


9th January - Meeting/Chat

16th January - Victorian Glasgow by Douglas Annan

23rd January - Burns Celebration

30th January - NLC Childhood Games, 1950 Slide Show

6th February - Beauty with Irene and Cathie

13th February - Blood Bikers

20th February - Hearing Dogs/Lunch

27th February - Hearing Dogs/Lunch

5th March - Armchair Yoga with Margaret Wadsley

12th March - Glasgow Street Pastors

19th March - John Walker - 5 Spies

26th March - John Brown, Gregory's Girl

2nd April - Easter Holiday

9th April - AGM

16th April - Outing


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