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1st Kilsyth Brownies

1st Brownies meet every Wednesday 6:30pm to 8:00pm in the Large Hall.

We are all about trying new things that teach girls about themselves, their community and their world.

The age group is 7-10 years old and (as at September 2019) we still have a few spaces left so why not come along and join in the fun.

MAY 2024

The Brownies have had a busy year with a full unit.


The girls have enjoyed working towards their seasons badge, learning all about different seasons and making bird feeders and autumn posters and planting sunfloers.


Earlier this year, the girls enjoyed a trip to the local ten-pin bowling alley in Kirkintilloch. We also recently welcomed the local police force to chat to the girls about all things safety as part of their badge work.


The younger girls have been learning their promise and Brownie motto to "Lend a Hand". As part of this work, the girls made a poster of what they are thankful for.


We are getting prepared for out annual trip to PGL camp in Dalguise this month and will be ending the year by taking part in the Civic Week Parade.


Arlene Love


May 2023


We have been very busy at 1st Kilsyth Brownies over the last few weeks.  The girls have  been working towards their lead skills builder and have been taking it in turns to run the evening in pairs from start to finish. This has enabled the girls to increase their confidence in leadership, negotiation and compromising.

Last week the girls enjoyed doing keyring and photo frame crafts to celebrate the King's coronation. 

We welcomed two new girls last month, taking our pack numbers to 26.  We are gearing up for our camp to PGL in Dalguise this month, our first camp trip since 2019! We are booked in for raft building, abseiling, zip wire, giat swing and canoeing.


Arlene Love


Link to Girlguiding site

Any parents interested in their daughters joining either Brownies or Rainbows should visit the Girl Guiding website (detailed below) where you will receive all the information you need:




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